Infinity According to Florian

Нескінченність за Флоріаном

Ukraine 2022
Ukrainian and Russian, subtitles in English
70 min
Suitable for all ages
Director: Oleksiy Radynski
Screenplay: Oleksiy Radynski
Production: Ljuba Knorozok / Teatro Productions
Print Source: Pirkanmaan elokuvakeskus

On the eve of his 90th birthday, Kyiv-based architect Florian Yuriev gets some bad news.The city has rented out his architectural opus magnum – Flying-Saucer-shaped avant-garde concert hall – to a real estate developer who wants to turn it into a shopping mall. (He also happens to be one of Donald Trump's Ukrainian cronies). Florian decides to quit his self-imposed seclusion and try to disrupt this phony real estate deal. He is aided by a group of young architects and followers. As a result of the media outcry, the infamous new owner of the Flying Saucer building gives a promise to renovate the place according to Florian's own design. This promise turns out to be worth nothing, but Florian is not ready to give up. He uses his visionary skills to snatch an unlikely victory.

Production Notes

