Data protection and cookies

The website uses cookies for tracking the use of the site and for movies added to your list via the calendar.The website uses Google Analytics visitor tracking. Visitor statistics are based on the technical data transmitted by your browser and your internet connection, and the statistics do not provide information about the visitor themself as a person. The visitor tracking reports reveal how many of the site's users visit the site in a certain period of time.

Accreditation for the festival, registration for events, recruitment and responding to enquiries is done through Airtable. Airtable is the processor of the personal data held by the Register Controller.

You can prevent the use of cookies in the browser, but in this case the site's functionality may be impaired and some of the site's functionalities may not work at all. The user's web browser probably accepts cookies by default, but the user can also prevent the use of cookies from their own browser settings. For more information on browser-specific usage instructions, refer to your browser manufacturer's instructions.