Another End
Sal's empty eyes seem to have been living only on memories since he lost Zoe, the love of his life: memories like fragments of a shattered mirror that cannot be put back together. His sister Ebe, who observes her brother with growing concern, suggests he turn to Another End, a new technology that promises to ease the pain of separation by briefly bringing back to life the consciousness of those who have died. Sal finds Zoe again in this way, but in the body of another woman. A body he does not know but in which he is mysteriously able to recognise his wife. What was broken suddenly seems to come together again. In fact, Another End grants Sal the time to share a little more life with Zoe, to love her again, to be loved by her, to say goodbye in the end. But this is a fragile, ephemeral, insidious joy and, having arrived at the end of the programme, Sal has no intention of meekly watching as his love dissolves in the definitive loss of his wife. He tries to find her in Ava, the woman who had lent her body to Zoe’s consciousness. Perhaps love really does survive and eternity is promised through physical bodies.
Production notes