Ainahan on huominen
C'è ancora domani (There’s Still Tomorrow)
A Brighter Tomorrow (Il sol dell'avvenire) by Nanni Moretti, also shown at Espoo Ciné last year, was one of Italy's biggest commercial successes. This year, Paola Cortelles' directorial debut There’s Still Tomorrow was an even bigger hit and gathered more viewers in Italy than Greta Gerwig’s record-breaking Barbie.
This comedic drama takes place at the end of the 40s, elegantly respecting the traditions of Italian neorealism through its black and white pictures. Delia, beautifully played by the director herself, is a determined mother of three children who lives from paycheck to paycheck under the domestic tyranny of her husband (Valerio Mastandrea). Her days go by juggling multiple jobs and taking care of the family, but secretly Delia dreams of a different kind of life. Especially, when the boyfriend of her youth might offer an escape from the seemingly dark and oppressive everyday life. Daughter Marcella (Romana Maggiora Vergano) is getting married to the son of a wealthy cafe owner, but Delia can already see that her future will not be any better than Delia’s.
Things start to change, when Delia receives a surprising letter. Could it be the key to something bigger – gender equality and women’s liberation?
Timo Kuismin