Uutinen / 14.8.2020

Safety instructions for the festival guests

As we live in a midst of pandemic, some special arrangements are made to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease during the Espoo Ciné festival. Please collaborate with us by carefully reading our safety instructions before attending the festival. The instructions follow the guidelines of the local authorities and will be updated if needed. Updated instructions are available also here.

First of all: Do not attend the festival if you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness. The Espoo Ciné staff are naturally doing the same.

Safe distance and hygiene

We are especially taking into account the safe distances at the screening halls and when queuing. The screening halls are sold only up to 50% capacity so that there's enough seats to maintain a safe distance to others. There are no designated seats at our screening halls, but please choose your seat with a safe distance. Our staff will help you with the optimal seating if necessary.

Our staff avoid close contact with customers when checking the screening tickets. There is no need to rush while queuing, because the screenings won’t start before all ticket-holders are seated.

Screening halls are cleaned after every screening, and the event venues will be sanitized frequently during the screenings. We've arranged plenty of time between screenings to avoid overcrowding.

There is hand sanitizer available at our screening venues. We warmly recommend our customers to use the sanitizer in addition to washing their hands frequently.

Buying tickets

It is highly recommended to buy your tickets online to avoid overcrowding the screening venues. Please note, that we accept only card payments this year.

Espoo Ciné wants to collaborate with healthcare services and the local authorities, and therefore we will be collecting all of our customers’ contact information. This action will significantly help the possible investigations of COVID-19 transmission chains.

Thank you for making Espoo Ciné safe for everyone!