Crip Ciné liikkeessä

Crip Ciné in Motion

Finland / 2024
How Great Is Your Darkness: audio description + without sound; Surface & Dance Lesson: Finnish dialogue, English subtitles; Blue: no dialogue
72 min
Suitable for all ages
Director: Several
Screenplay: Several
Documentary | Short Film | Comedy | Fantasy


Crip Ciné's domestic short film screening paves the way from a medicalising and restrictive conception of disability towards a celebration of free expression, movement, dance and art. The screening opens with the film version of Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo-Heimonen's video installation How Great Is Your Darkness?, currently in view in the Finnish pavilion of the Venice Biennial. The film is presented first only through audio description without image in a dark theatre, then through moving image without sound. The subsequent short films directed by Anna Kekkonen, Sari Antikainen and Kati Kallio continue the motion towards liberated movement and existence in the water, dance hall and forest. Kekkonen's and Antikainen's short films have Finnish dialogue with English subtitles, Kallio's short film has no dialogue.

The screening includes the following films:

Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo-Heimonen: How Great Is Your Darkness? (2024, 23 min)
The short film diptyque is a mischievous and carnivalistic invitation to rebellion against gatekeepers and those in power.

Anna Kekkonen: Surface
(2024, 20 min)
How does freedom feel? Four people with disabilities or illness let the water carry them.

Sari Antikainen
: Dance Lesson (2015, 20 min)
Choreographer Liisa Pentti and a group of young people on the autism spectrum gathered for a weekly dance class for six months. During the class, they look for a common language and explore the possibilities of dance.

Kati Kallio
: Blue (2023, 10 min)
In this fantasy short film, a bird-like figure invites you to discover gentle powers and magical skills in the forest. The script was written together with the performers and choreographed by Vappu Virkkula.

Tytti Rantanen

There are artists and filmmakers attending the screening.