Juho Kuosmasen mykkätrilogia

Silent Trilogy

Finland / 2012
Intertitles in Finnish with English subtitles
57 min
Suitable for all ages
Director: Juho Kuosmanen
Screenplay: Scrap-Mattila and the Beautiful Woman & Moonshiners: Juho Kuosmanen + A Planet Far Away: Humppa-Pulla Mozzarella
Cast: Scrap-Mattila and the Beautiful Woman: Seppo Mattila, Outi Airola, Sami Heinonen, Leo Käkelä, Matti Pellinen + Moonshiners: Juha Hurme, Jaana Paananen, Tomi Alatalo, Jarkko Lahti + A Planet Far Away: Jaana Paananen, Aku-Petteri Pahkamäki, Tomi Alatalo, Mika Lätti, Amaia Orue-Extebarria-Apellaniz, Anna Airola
Production: Scrap-Mattila and the Beautiful Woman: Jussi Rantamäki / Aamu Film Company, Ykspihlajan Kinofilmi + Moonshiners: Otto Kylmälä, Jussi Rantamäki / Otso Film, Aamu Film Company + A Planet Far Away: Jussi Rantamäki, Emilia Haukka, Otto Kylmälä / Aamu Film Company
Print Source: Aamu Film Company
Drama | Short Film | Black & White | Silent Film | Comedy | Sci-fi


Juho Kuosmanen's, one of Finland's leading directors, latest short film A Planet Far Away (2023), along with its companion films The Moonshiners (2017) and Scrap-Mattila and the Beautiful Woman (2012), will be screened on the first Sunday of Espoo Ciné, 25 August at 19:00 in Tapiola Church. Adding to the magical atmosphere of this unique screening environment, Ykspihlajan Kino-orkesteri and foley artist Pietu Korhonen will create the soundtrack for the films live on site.

The first film of the trilogy, Scrap-Mattila and the Beautiful Woman, tells the story of a sad man seeking buyers for his belongings and acceptance for his existence. The exchange of items continues in The Moonshiners, where two moonshiners inherit life's essentials from their father: a moonshine cart and a pig. The final part of the trilogy, A Planet Far Away, is a bedtime story about a lighthouse keeper, Marlanda, and her little brother Maximilian, dealing with the end of everything and their unusual attempts to cope with it.

Spanning a decade, this silent film trilogy allows viewers to observe Kuosmanen's growth as a director and immerse themselves in his hopeful, optimistic world. The event promises a truly unique artistic experience in the lofty heights of Tapiola Church, where both the live music and the films have room to resonate.

Update 9 Aug: Unfortunately, Ykspihlajan Kino-orkesteri has had to cancel their performance due to force majeure circumstances. We will be presenting Juho Kuosmanen's silent film trilogy without live accompaniment. The Kino-orkesteri's music will be heard on the film's soundtrack.