If documentaries about pompous, heroic figures are not your thing, Pepe is for you. Do not be misguided by modesty: Pepe Willberg is a grand singer despite being so shy that in the early days of his career he only agreed to sing if the lights were turned off in the hall. Or so claims Willberg’s long-time collaborator and friend Danny, who himself is not so well known for being humble.
Severi Koivusalo's directorial full-length debut draws on small anecdotes rather than sensationalism. The focus is on music, its performance and reception from the 1960s to the present day. The film contains generous amounts of archival footage, and it is an irresistible cross-section of the history of Finnish pop music, classic after classic: Finnish covers for “To Make a Big Man Cry”, “God Only Knows”, “Penny Lane”…
The gentle drama covers both the downturns of success and the incredible popularity with the Mestarit line-up at the turn of the millennium – as well as Pepe Willberg’s rise to new prestige alongside Matti Mikkola's Saimaa.
Tytti Rantanen
On 31 August, the screening at Kino Tapiola is an age-restricted alcohol serving screening for individuals aged 18 and above.