Three Kilometres to the End of the World

Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii

Romania / 2024
Romanian, subtitles in English
105 min
Suitable for audiences aged 12 and above
Director: Emanuel Pârvu
Screenplay: Emanuel Pârvu, Miruna Berescu
Cast: Bogdan Dumitrache, Ciprian Chiujdea, Laura Vasiliu, Ingrid Micu-Berescu, Valeriu Andriuță, Adrian Titieni
Production: Miruna Berescu / FAMart
Print Source: Goodfellas


A hot, strong summer wind is the overriding soundtrack to “Three Kilometers to the End of the World” — the kind of dry, whirring weather that swallows conversations held even a short distance away, and carries stray, light objects far from where they meant to land. For 17-year-old Adi, however, it’s not loud enough to keep his secrets safe, nor heavy enough to lift and float him away from the home in which he feels increasingly imprisoned. A rural village in thrall to the Romanian Orthodox Church proves as hostile an environment as you’d expect for a closeted gay teen in writer-director Emanuel Pârvu’s claustrophobic study of personal and institutional prejudice closing in on a community misfit: If the breeze would just die down for a second, you might hear Adi’s inner clock tensely counting down his slim shot at freedom.

Guy Lodge, Variety