Eloisa Espoo & Espoo Ciné: Once Upon a Time in a Forest

The Espoo Ciné outdoor screenings will delight audiences with films exploring the relationship between humans and nature. On Saturday 31 Aug, Eloisa Espoo and Espoo Ciné present Once Upon a Time in a Forest, a documentary from director Virpi Suutari. The evening begins with a presentation by The Activist Grannies movement, discussing the impacts of the climate crisis on human health and well-being. Come join us for an enchanting film evening under the stars, free of charge!

TIME: Saturday 31 Aug, at 8:00 PM
ADDRESS: Aurinkoterassi / Sun Terrace, Kirkkopolku 3, 02100 Espoo
Once Upon a Time in a Forest | 92 min. | dir. Virpi Suutari | In Finnish with English subtitles

On Espoo Day, Saturday, 31 August, Virpi Suutari's film Once Upon a Time in a Forest will be shown in Tapiola. Following five young forest activists – Ida, Minka, Otto, Ville, and Otso – the film takes viewers to snow-covered mountains, forest industry boardrooms, underwater scenes, and activists' tents where secrets are whispered into each other's ears. The discussions among the young people, along with the documentary's breathtakingly beautiful images, shake viewers into confronting the plight of our dwindling forest nature. At the same time, Suutari's humane approach gives the subject space to breathe.

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This event is part of Eloisa Espoo, which aims to promote the well-being and diversity of nature through participatory activities for residents.

On 24 August, we will also be screening My Neighbor Totoro in the Haukilahti harbour. Read more here!